I will be
here in less than 3 weeks!!! I'm really looking forward to it! I am putting together a "Gardening Basket" to donate.

I have a glass pitcher on my counter with kefir grains in it that a friend gave me (originally from Russia). I usually have it covered with that dishtowel. I added about 3 cups of raw milk on Friday after our pickup from
Farmer Gary and now it's growing fast. It's full of bubbles. In my
cheesemaking book they call it the "champagne" of milk. I mashed up a banana and made a milkshake with it, pretty good...I know it's very good for me! My sister, Susanna lent me her
Nourishing Traditions book. On the right side, is a container of "tvorog" that Ludmilla gave me yesterday. She made it using cultured buttermilk. Yesterday we made crepes and rolled tvorog and honey up inside. Yum. I'm going to try to make it myself, following the recipe for cream cheese in Nourishing Traditions!

Lusy loves Thumper and Twinkle, our bunnies. She's always checking on them. They're working hard at making fertilizer for our garden. Smile.
We drink quite a bit of kefir too! A friend of ours, a former monk had a strain we've been using for quite a while. My kids love it in smoothies also. The crepes sound great too! We'll have to try it. If you like Nourishing Traditions, have you also read some of Weston Price's books on fermenting and raw milk? Just curious...
Are you getting a lot snow right now?
Oh my goodness, that looks fantastic.
And, enjoy the concert and auction. That sounds lovely!
I've been drinking kefir for about 4-5 years now. I love it! I haven't had the pleasure of making it, but would love to find some grains and start making it myself. I would love to have a raw milk source that wasn't so expensive. I've looked into it and just cannot afford it, yet. I can't wait till the day my husband will not be a student, our school loans paid off, and able to afford raw milk and more organic foods. Nourishing Traditions is a great book with lots of sources and great recipes.
That's really interesting, I've never heard of it. Matt, my DH, had some sourdough starter from the 1800's. OK, not the same stuff, but it was started in the 1800's and you just keep feeding it. Not exactly the same thing, but the bubbling reminded me of it! LOL! It's late, better hit the hay!
Fertilizer for your garden ? LOL. U so funny. Well, glad U enjoyed your snowday. I don't do well here w/ snow, don't like driving in it. I like to just stay home & be lazy in snowday. But here, they still "FUNCTION" in snowdays, nothing shuts down, not even schools !. One German girl in Garmish said, she SKI-ied to school, b'cuz the German bus wasn't running in snow. They still had school.Can U believe ? I can't.
I soooo would love to make cheese! Show us the pictures when you make them, ok?
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