This week I accidentally broke 2 clay bowls that my husband made before we were married...we could glue one back together, the other is not great, but okay.
Instead of having my soup in them, we will use them for something else, like holding tomatoes from our backyard?
A little piece of fabric I stitched on... You know the rest of this phrase. We hope to go pick apples soon! Fresh crunchy, sweet juicy apples, everything is always best when it's in season. I bought delicious ones at Trader Joe's yesterday (most of them were from Chile, these were from the USA, a farm in NY).
Coffee With Sister Vassa: The Lenten Exile
This past Sunday immediately preceding the beginning of Lent recalled the
Exile from Paradise, inviting us to embrace “*Adam’s Lam...
5 hours ago
The apples from NY were very good. Thanks for giving us a couple for the trip. Piroshki were good too.
I have a few pieces of pottery I made in a college class that I prize. I would be so devastated if they broke. I'm glad you were able to salvage one!
And a lovely shot too!
Oh man! I'm so sorry about the broken bowls, I hate that.
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