October 31, 2008
October 27, 2008
Today is really chilly...
One of my blogging friends recently tagged me. So, without further ado, here are 7 random things about me:
- Anything homemade makes me happy, especially food, but also handsewn clothes, handmade cards, a painting...
- I would love to see the first African American president in the somewhat near future (however I was thinking in the terms of Alan Keyes)!
- I am going to get some raw milk this week, I have to drive out of state...it's like bootleg, can you believe it? $7 per gallon.
- Last night, we made some fantastic Thai food with some friends. I'm learning all these names, but we made sticky rice, Larb, Green Papaya Salad, Pork Satay, and Pod Thai.
- A fire is gently burning in the fireplace.
- Today I finished A Thousand Splendid Suns...what an emotional, deep and realistic fictional novel.
- I am doing a painting for Art For A Cause...the proceeds benefit Afghan war orphans (one place badly in needs of funds described in the above-mentioned book).
Now I'm tagging: Susanna, Anne, Jovina, Amanda and Kristina - I wanted to tag everyone...but if you want to play along, I'd love to read yours, so leave a comment and let me know, pretty please with sugar on top!
October 24, 2008
Eritrean Orthodox
October 20, 2008
Slippers for roofers??
Look at that pretty new smile.
October 17, 2008
Chess, anyone?
I've changed the header, but will change soon! If anyone wants, feel free to copy any header I made and edit to your liking, adding a picture of you or your family. I welcome the cool weather...and hope for a big snowfall this winter! We had so much fun sledding last year.
Oh, about the teeth...about 6 months first tooth for my girls, but seems in our family five is the normal age for getting "adult" teeth!
October 14, 2008
Your turn...
So, now on to my header...
It's your turn to choose, this NEW one or an "old" one that I made (you can vote on the sidebar):

October 10, 2008
A few of my favorite grains...
Oats...we eat these pretty much every Wednesday and Friday for breakfast. Sometimes we make a buffet of it, with honey, cinnamon, a bowl of coconut, sliced almonds, raisins, or peanut butter. We got a canister of the John McCann's steel cut oats, but I like rolled ones best, they cook a bit quicker. I must say that I don't like the "quick oats" that have been rolled and chopped up so they're practically indistinguishable, I like to see my oat. Silly, I know.
Rice...there are so many varieties, but we usually get brown basmati...it takes a bit longer to cook than your white variation. I like it with black beans and cumin, a bit of fresh cilantro and tomatoes if we have them!!! My husband had a friend from Thailand who gave him a huge pot that holds a basket to boil sticky rice in...oh, you have to soak this stuff overnight first, too. It's really good, fun to eat with your fingers and dip into mango sauce!
Bulgur...my mom made a lot of tabouli this summer, it's so good, with fresh mint! I also love getting the Mediterranean sampler at Trader Joe's...it has tabouli, falafel, hummus and pita!
Buckwheat...again, my mom makes this best. She sautees onions and adds enough olive oil and salt, so that's it's tastey. I have to admit, I like it plain with honey drizzled on top for breakfast. Ground buckwheat is really great in pancake batter!
I try to make sure there is something beside wheat grains in our daily diet. Here is a list of other things I keep away from (someone at the school where I work lent me a book called Nourishing Traditions, because I told her I had so much leftover whey from the cheeses I've been making, but it also has some excellent thoughts on highly processed foods):
- soy (so highly processed, did you know it's used in making most plastics?)
- corn syrup
- MSG (monosodium glutamate)
- hydrogenated oils (we LOVE real butter)
Oh, Joscie, I do like Ramen noodles now and then...but I toss out that seasonings packet (full of MSG, it is known to give folks diarrhea) and add my own veggies. I'm certainly not a total health-nut, I'd love to be. I am going to use corn syrup this weekend and try to make some marshmallows!!! There's a recipe in my Joy of Cooking and it doesn't sound too complicated! I'll let you know how it goes.
We have a sick bunny in the house...usually they are in the hutch outside, but I think Twinkle got in a fight with a cat (sometimes, I let them run around the yard for a few hours, since it's fenced in). There is a cat in the neighborhood who jumps fences, she's quite adventurous and I've spotted her in our yard. Anyhow, Twinkle has been pulling hair out, and I saw that there was blood underneath, so I took her to the vet on Tuesday who confirmed that this was serious...and gave us an antibiotic for her. I've been putting the pills into a slice of banana and she gobbles them up. She eats our apple cores, loves dandelion greens and, of course, her alfalfa pellets (which Olivia is feeding her in the photo). The vet said that her wounds are so bad she has to stay inside, because flies will be all over her wounds...and then maggots...ew! So, please say a prayer for Twinkle!
October 6, 2008
Here and there...

October 3, 2008
String beans
P.S. I look deceptively thin in this photo, it's just the shirt combined with the way I was standing! Oh, that necklace is made primarily out of yellow lentils!
October 1, 2008

I got a McCain yard sign and car magnet. I've seen many Obama ones and feel like sometimes people might not realize how many McCain supporters there are... It's closer than you may think. It's our duty to go out and vote...I hope each and everyone of you think things through and vote. Nov. 4th I'll be there bright and early!
Now, look at these precious photos. McCain and Palin MAY be politicians, but they are real people, too: