
October 6, 2008

Here and there...

My friend Sylvia is hosting another giveaway:
Hugging their Great-grandma! Although I didn't get to celebrate, I was there in spirit. I went to the CAEYC (Cincinnati Association for the Education of Young Children) conference at Union Terminal. The keynote speaker was Jack Grunsky. I bought one of his CDs, very cheerful and fun songs. His "Songbirds" is my favorite so far!!!

This is the "walker tote" I sewed as a gift for her. Did you see the purple/green one on her walker? A friend made that for her, but she mentioned that she'd like a NEW one.

We went to Whole Foods after church yesterday and I picked up some oats and quinoa (Trader Joe's hasn't had it for a couple of months), then saw another bin of quinoa, in a lovely shade of deep red, called "heirloom quinoa" it was just 10 cents more per pound, $1.49. Pretty isn't it?

So, I cooked this last night for dinner along with some chicken and it was scrumptious!

P.S. Notice my "made in the USA" Pampered Chef Mix 'N Scraper...I have 2 of them and use them everyday, seriously!


Anne Elizabeth said...

I love quinoa, but it has gotten so expensive here:( I hear so much about Trader Joe's. I wish we had one here!

Christina Carnoy said...

ok, how do you cook quinoa? someday I want to start cooking and eating these healthy whole grains instead of white rice, I just want them to be tasty and tender, NOT UNDERDONE!!!Please post a tutorial!

joscelyne cutchens said...

Hey Martha! I have never had quinoa before? You eat such exotic, healthy looking things! Did you cringe at my cup o noodles?!

Monica said...

I also would like to know how you season it to make it taste good. I've tried quinoa in chicken broth, but we didn't really like it.

Yes, tutorial please!

::Sylvia:: said...

I love the walker bag, what a clever idea! I use my scraper all the time too (thanks to you) :)

BTW thanks for posting the giveaway!

Brigitte said...

another vote for the quinoa tutorial! :)

Jennifer Davis said...

What a delightful post! Wow, love the necklaces and love what you created for the stroller! What a great idea, I'm thinking that would be a fun project for our Mom's group!

Zoya said...

Looks yummy! Here's another vote for a tutorial!

angie worthington said...

your blog is awesome!!!.....i love all of my pampered chef items...i add a few pieces to my collection each year....

Kim Watson said...

Quinoa is great isn't is hard to find it here tho'.
I love the tote you made...your G/Grannie must have loved it!!
I agree with guys are SO healthy...& it shows.


Meadowlark Days said...

You've been busy the last two weeks! Fun photos. I have to say I prefer red lentils over quinoa! ;-) Perhaps you can enlighten me with a tutorial as well.

Anne Marie said...

Too funny, I saw the picture and immediately thought "quinoa" before ever reading the post! Love that grain! Cute walker bag, and what a lovely gift!

JO said...

what a lovely "walker tote", pretty. What is Quinoa ? like oats ? I never tried it. WOw, you have lots of readers on your blog - how do you get them to read your post ? wow & make friends as well ? you are just clever ! (smiles)

Bridget said...

I've never had quinoa before, but I'd love to try it- tutorial please ;o)! I love the walker bag.

Anonymous said...

I haven't had quinoa for a long time. I used to buy quinoa noodles for Ethan when he was allergic to wheat. Love the walker bag. Cute.