My little sister, Andrea, took this photo of Olivia, Harriett and Hannah (and me in the background) at Chipotle in downtown Cincinnati...where we all met up with my cousin, Zoya, and her husband, parents, 2 of my sisters and their was so
nice to get together.

For $5.95 you can get one rocking big burrito, this is my fav vegan:
- rice with lime juice and cilantro
- black beans
- onions and green peppers
- tomato salsa and corn salsa
- guacamole
- lettuce
We often get the Nantucket Nectars, which are $2.40 each. 100% peach orange juice is my fav.
It may seem that we go out to eat often, after this and my previous post about Starbucks...but we really don't...
homemade most every day in our house. Last night I made
piroshki...mixed yeast, honey, warm water and freshly ground whole wheat, let it rise on our warm woodstove, then sauteed cabbage and onions until they were really soft, added salt and dill. I rolled out the dough, Olivia helped cut out circles, and Hannah helped stuff them with cabbage and pinch them together...then we baked them in the oven for about 15 minutes. Mmm!

We got this DVD at the library and watched it this weekend, with the girls...they enjoyed it so much! I enjoy watching the
simple happy life of the Bushmen and how they view the life of the fat pale us. One of my fav parts is in the 2nd one...when the little boy is alone and a hyena comes along...and he holds up a piece of wood upon his head so that he looks taller!
I love seeing their happiness when they find their family...tears of
pure joy streaming down their face.