Yesterday we went to see Grammie and Peepaw and share some goat milk gouda with them...and they gave Olivia a present, too. While there, we made up our own madlibs, like this:
Have you ever seen a/an____________ _____________?
(adjective) (animal)
There are ___ at the ____________ zoo.
(number) (city)
If you go, you'll most likely hear them _________.
They might be eating________ ____________ and
(adjective) (pl. noun)
drinking __________ _________. Admission is just $____ per person.
(flavor) (liquid) (number)
If you bring in a/an __________ ___________, you'll receive a
(adjective) (noun)
$1 discount on admission!
* This is what we came up with:
Have you ever seen sparkly cows? There are 3 of them at the New York City zoo.
If you go, you'll most likely hear them praying.
They might be eating shiny flowers and drinking strawberry milk.
Admission is just $8 (Olivia chose that # since she is almost 8) per person.
If you bring in a pink swimming pool, you'll receive a $1 discount on admission.