
March 26, 2012

Going back for seconds...

We plan to get more of this at Trader Joe's...we are lucky to live just 2 miles from it. $3.49 per pint.


Sarah in Indiana said...

Oh my goodness, I love that stuff! I've been watching for it ever since the last time they had it a TJs. So excited it's back! I have to admit, I found it too decadent for Lent, but I want to get some for my vegan Godson's Pascha basket for sure.

Leslie said...

I'm jealous!!!

Samantha said...

I'm so jealous! The closest Trader Joes to me is 1.5 hrs away, and I don't know if ice cream will last that long in the car :( Bummer! I'll have to live vicariously through you!

Anonymous said...

Yum! I am like Samantha a minimum of an hour and a half I could eat it in the parking lot though. :-)