
June 1, 2012

Evening light...

Have you noticed the evening fireflies?  Last night, it rained at about 9 pm (it had been about 2 weeks since we had rain, so we were very glad for it, our garden needed it).  It thundered and there was lightning.  I went outside to check on Nutmeg (the chicken) and noticed that the fireflies were flying around our backyard and lighting up, the rain!  We saw fireflies for the first time in 2012 just last week.  It's not easy to capture them in a photo.
"O Gladsome Light of the holy glory of the immortal, heavenly, holy, blessed Father, O Jesus Christ: we that come to the setting of the sun, when we behold the evening light, praise Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, God. Meet it is for Thee at all times to be praised with gladsome voices, O Son of God, Giver of life; wherefore the world doth glorify Thee."  


GretchenJoanna said...

Do the fireflies glow all summer long? We're going to MD for a couple of weeks in July and I was hoping to see them!

Martha said...

I believe they do...are there no fireflies there in CA?

GretchenJoanna said...

No, and I only saw them once before when I was in MD in August. I just read up on them and see that they are not generally seen in the U.S. west of Kansas.

Manuela said...

Oh wow, that is a beautiful picture. The lighting is perfect.

Julia said...

We also saw the first firefly of the season a week ago, but haven't seen another since. Hopefully soon. I love this hymn and didn't even think to connect it to the theme of "evening light" this week, but how appropriate.

Mimi said...

No, there are no fireflies on the West Coast. I've only seen them once (in Kentucky, visiting an aunt and uncle who were living there)

I love that photo, thank you!

A M B E R said...

Evening light is so nice inside a church, and you is captured so well. Thanks for posting.

I haven't seen any fireflies yet in NY this year, but my son and I are waiting. I love them.