- What is your occupation? Wife, mom, teacher's aide (pre-school) & consultant with Pampered Chef
- What color are your socks right now? off white with blue toes and heels
- What are you listening to right now? my girls talk about what they're drawing, Hannah is working on a lesson (we're homeschooling her), so I'm sitting here, while she works, in case she has questions. Oh, on that subject, I had a dream that snuggled in a pile of pajamas in the drawer was a mouse family, a mother nursing babies...we're doing a unit on mammals for real. Isn't it interesting how life influences your dreams?
- What was the last thing that you ate? cinnamon swirl bread
- Can you drive a stick shift? sure, the first car I bought was a standard, an 1988 Toyota Tercel
- If you were a crayon, what color would you be? cornflower blue
- Last person you spoke to on the phone? Chris (one of my brothers-in-law)Favorite Drink? definitely milk
- What is your favorite sport to watch? ballet...it's physical
- Have you ever dyed your hair? never, I like what God gave me and don't plan to change it
- Pets? yes, a bunny named Minty
- Favorite food? piroshki
- Last movie you watched? The Sound of Music
- Favorite day of the year? Pascha! (Orthodox Easter)
- What do you do to vent anger? count, sometimes, or eat chocolate
- What was your favorite toy as a child? Freddy, my little teddy that squeaked
- What is your favorite, fall or spring? spring with all the bulbs blossoming
- Hugs or kisses? actually a big warm hug
- Cherry or Blueberry? We loved picking highbush blueberries in Georgia
- Do you want your friends to reply? Yes, you should all answer these questions, I'd love to know some random facts about YOU
- When was the last time you cried? it's been a long time, I don't cry much
- What is on the floor of your closet? shoes
- Favorite smells? fresh air
- What inspires you? nature
- What are you afraid of? sometimes of (stepping on unknown objects, toys, in the) dark
- Plain, cheese or spicy hamburgers? sure, I'll take cheese on my burger, depends on what kind of spices
- Favorite car? I love my Toyota Echo....but it would be nice in sparkly blue
- Number of keys on your key ring? about 5
- How many years at your current job? at the one that pays me $ regularly...just about a year
- Favorite day of the week? Sunday
- What was the last thing you took a photo of? Olivia in her pink-striped pajamas this morning
- How many states have you lived in? New York, Massachusetts, Indiana, Pennsylvania, Vermont, Connecticut, Ohio, California and Georgia

Click to enlarge it....
We LOVE them. I'm making a bunch for our Russian Winter's Night (see post below), with ground turkey, instead of beef.
I hope you had a LOVELY valentines day! Rob gave us each a chocolate filled heart (I got turtles, the girls got cream filled ones....Olivia was thrilled to bite into a pink one that tasted like strawberry) and I got a lot from my students...the highlights were a paper airplane that a boy made and wrote his name on and mom wrote "sending his love" on the other side, some tattoos (that Hannah and Olivia immediately put on, when I got home), a pencil (I'm glad for no sugary things), a box of cookies dipped in white chocolate and sprinkles on one side, and a sweet mug with hot cocoa mixes inside! Yesterday, the girls and I each had cup of cocoa, I had hazelnut, Hannah the mint one, and Olivia the raspberry flavored one!
thanks for all the fun facts about you!!! we have a lot in common!!! (but I knew that already!) :)
love the mug !
Love your answers! Love the photo! Looks like you had a great V-day!! :)
Hi there friend! Fun reading your facts. Love the pic of you! Thanks for the recipe by the way...I must try it sometime.
I love that mug... come on over for some kona coffee anytime...
I loved reading your facts!! My favorite holiday is Easter, too (Catholic Easter, that is). Maybe it's b/c I was born on Easter or maybe it's b/c it's such a wonderful time of year when the flowers are in bloom and the sun comes out!
I printed out the RECIPE, I will try it ONE day. sounds good !
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