Try this fun game ( you have to line up 3 of the same fruit):
My girls like Strawberry Shortcake (so do I) and seriously, I'm a bit addicted to this game. I had to play easy, then medium, then hard and a couple of times before I beat the clock!
My girls like Strawberry Shortcake (so do I) and seriously, I'm a bit addicted to this game. I had to play easy, then medium, then hard and a couple of times before I beat the clock!
Your blog brings a smile to my face everytime! I think it's your creativity and music ~ Thank you :)
Your garden is lovely!
And, growing up we'd often have strawberry shortcake for dinner when the berries were fresh.
My Dh doesn't like dessert for dinner, so I don't do it anymore, sigh.
Your garden looks great!! My garden aspires to be like yours! lol...this is our first year growing our own food! Back to the basics I say!! I enjoy your on on! :)
You have no idea how in awe I am of your sweet looking garden! Your blog is truly a feast for the eyes.
Mmmm...nothin' better than going out to pick dinner! I can't WAIT 'til our 'matos are ripe.
And is that a Matthew Van Fleet book? LOVE him!
What a lovely little garden. I'm jealous. I didn't plant much this yr. Just sunflowers & tomatoes. Maybe a bigger one next year. I have missed gardenig this yr.
For your daily dose of vintage goodness & a bit of silliness, stop by Confessions of an Apron Queen
My sister loves hostas...She has a whole yard full of them and even planted a bunch at the church...mmmmmmm strawberry shortcame...yummmmmmm
Your garden looks great. my sad little wanna be vegetable garden in pots is struggling.
I've moved my blog from blogger to wordpress.
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but if you read my blog in a feed reader, the feed address has changed, so please update your subscription here.
also, come by and I'd love to hear what you think of the new site.
Love love,
Joscie (still rhymes with bossy)
Hi Martha...your garden in's all the love & think!!
Your dog book is definitely a hit, look how all the kiddies are trying to feel the fur :o)
I am always looking for games to play with Max & Cas on the net...thanks for the link.
Have a lovely day.
Thanks for stopping by my blog, just out of curiosity, how did you find it? I love seeing new blogs, and yours is great! I love all the scrapbooking stuff (my addiction too) and the cards are so cute! Your girls are gorgous also. Thanks for stopping by again, and I hope you will check it out often, I as will yours.
Your hostas are gorgeous and your garden is doing so well! You are going to have so many delicious tomatoes...yum! Hope you are having a great day!
Hey Marfa! I love that garden of yours! I can't wait to actually have a house again so I can grow a big one. A side from my Aerogarden, I have a little garden out back but we only have 8 tomato plants! Enjoy yours!!
What a lovely garden! I love tomatoes - hope you get bunches and bunches.
Can I be green with envy about your garden? mine is nowhere even close to that! i think we must have planted a little too late in the summer. We didn't really get decent days until probably mid June...
I LOVE that box house. We HAVE to make one ourselves! And I HAVE to show the game to Coco. Big time fan!!!
What a lovely garden. We have a garden too and love it. We are currently on vacation in the N.W., so we'll see what our garden looks like when we return home.
M. Michelle
Oh - that - garden! So awesome... and so many tomatoes... scrumptious!
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