Gingerbread (vegan):
1/3 cup oil
The girls each did one...using pumpkin seeds, markers and old candy! We never eat the gingerbread houses, so I thought why do we have to make it all out of edibles?
Yesterday we went to the Festival of Lights. It was sure chilly, but beautiful!
Olivia opened the curtains to check the snowfall...
Lusy was so happy to see the snow, greeted Thumper and Twinkle, then ran around like a crazy dog, eating up balls of snow with joy!1/3 cup oil
1 cup brown sugar
1 1/2 cup molasses
2/3 cup water
6 cups flour (I used half whole wheat flour, half white. I used 5 cups flour, then added more as needed, like for rolling out the dough)
6 cups flour (I used half whole wheat flour, half white. I used 5 cups flour, then added more as needed, like for rolling out the dough)
2 tsp. baking soda
1 tsp. salt
1 tsp. salt
1 tsp. allspice
1 tsp. ginger
1 tsp. cloves (optional)
1 tsp. ginger
1 tsp. cloves (optional)
1 tsp. cinnamon
Blend ingredients well. Roll to 1/4 inch thick (I like them thick and a little soft, rather than thin and hard) and cut with cookie cutters. Bake at 350 for 10-15 minutes. 
We made a house out of cardboard to decorate...
The festival of lights sounds so fun. I think I said that before. lol
The gingerbread men look yummy. I am going to have to try that recipe. I've never made gingerbread before. Tomorrow I am making cinnamon friendship bread.
WOW, IT SNOWED THERE ??? I love the GINGER COOKIE FOTO. It snowed here last week, but now all melted. Who can say it won't snow tomorrow - GERMANY weather is UNpredictable. It changes every 5 mins. RIght now, it's just GLOOMY & DARK. Yesterday was FOGGY for 24 hrs. Yah, MY little "J" is like "ME", so much SPUNK in her (I laugh at myself sometimes). She talks to everyone (make friends in 2 minutes). She poses for the camera in public & acts silly on videos. She's so MUCH like me ... sometimes we bump heads.
oh & I got a German ginger bread house KIT, so we gonna do that tomorrow, I Hope, but I love UR GINGER bread house Cardboard's perfect for her school friends (artwork). We are going out of town next week to some "WINTER LODGE RESORT" - maybe try some SNOWBOARDING eh ! I will be sore ! LOL.
Thanks for the pictures! I wish I had the cookies right now! Check out my blog for a new giveaway.
Love these photos - looks like you've been having a lot of fun! Thanks again for the wonderful giveaway package!
Cardboard is a GREAT idea for gingerbread houses. We actually made them from real homemade gingerbread this year (using your recipe). I made templates and cut the pieces while the gingerbread was still warm. I used tea boxes as the base and we "glued" the gingerbread pieces to the boxes with icing so that they didn't have to completely stand on their own. It was fun, but carboard would be easier!
Your blog is beautiful! A glimpse of your family and creative ideas -- thanks! I'm glad I stopped by :) May need to add the ginger bread men to my cookie list.
I'm looking forward to driving around the neighborhoods looking at how everyone has decorated their houses.
Our first snowfall came here too. It didn't stick, but it was much easier getting 3 year old out the door to go to church. :)
Oh my goodness, enjoy the snow!
Thank you for your lovely card!
How beautiful! I love this recipe and will be trying it this week! It sounds delicious and the lenten one I have isn't very good... :)
Using the cardboard was a great idea too, we never eat it either. It's usually the birds Theophany treat. lol. Will have to remember this for next year.
My parents said they got a lot of snow last week too. I'll be visiting in January! We'll have to get together for coffee!
Hope all is well!!
Wow! A winter wonderland! We hardly ever get snow down here! Great pics! Thanks for the cookie recipe. We need to get on the baking soon.
M. Michelle
All of our snow melted. It was 55° today. I love making gingerbread cookies. That's one of the first cookies my son could eat, no eggs, and I made them with spelt flour. (he was allergic to wheat.)
Thanks for the recipe!! I love the pics of the family at the Festival of Lights. And wow - snow already!? I wonder when we'll get snow here...??
I enjoyed reading your blog. I found it through Kristina's blog (Meadowlark Days). Doing the gingerbread men brought back memories of doing them with my own kids, now grown up!
Love that pic of Olivia looking out.
Lusy sounds like Diggy Boy. He chases the snowflakes, and then he loves to wrestle the snow on the ground... he cracks us up!
LOVE your gingerbread cookies from Scratch! MAYBE I'll even try my hands at the oven! (MAYBE!)
I'll let you know if I do...
I'm hoping this weekend it is not too cold, since I really want to take the kids to see downtown Chicago... I'll keep my fingers crossed!
Beautiful photo's Martha!! It looks like a special outing!
Thanks for the gingerbread recipe...we LOVE ginger bread too...I was actually thinking of making a house from scratch this year! Last year we bought one, when we were in Canada...before that I had never even tried one & it was so much fun.
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