Hannah looked very pretty in church Sunday. She asked that I french braid her hair, which you can't see in this photo, but you can see her outfit. As soon as we come inside, we usually take off our shoes and socks...she was wearing pretty
knee socks, too. I love 'em, too...have a few pairs.

If you get junk mail, recycle the envelopes into this sweet album, by
Kristina! That quote says "Happiness - is not so much in
having as in
sharing." Isn't that perfect for the upcoming holidays?
We got out Scrabble Junior and had a great game this weekend...it's definitely more Olivia's style. I think Hannah is ready for Scrabble though. They are different and both fun, however.
Piano lessons this afternoon...I'll take a few photos. I'm not sure we'll be able to continue. It's $20 per child per half hour class. What is the going rate? Unless we find something more affordable this we will probably just do this month and then, that's it. I'm sad, but it's really not within our budget, especially with our energy bill expected to go up (we usually pay $80/month, but in the winter, it will be about $200 and we JUST turned on the heat in November).

My husband fixed their car (these 3 old friends were headed back home to Maine after a trip to Indiana for Thanksgiving)...their wheel bearings went out. And we were glad to have them stay for a bit. The girls really loved showing them their toys and were delighted they sat down to play with them!
$20 and higher is the going rate here for piano lessons. Love your daughter's skirt...very feminine
What a sweet photo of your daughter. They grow up so fast huh?
Your daughter is so darling, that's a great color combination (won't it look great on the scrapbook page, bwahahhahahahah)
And, prayers for your dad, I saw you make a mention that he's having health struggles.
I love her outfit! That skirt is really pretty. I love knee socks with skirts. I bought some for my daughter for her stocking this year.
Your daughter is a cutie; actually they both are.
You might want to talk with the instructor - given today's economic climate - perhaps there is some way to "barter"? I'm serious, sometimes it can work. Maybe they don't know how to cook and you could share something with them or perhaps there is some chore they have. Worth a thought.
Holy smokes, I didn't know piano lessons were so expensive! That is a bummer! Maybe there are some good teaching books out there, if you are musically inclined?
I was thinking the same thing as DebD, Hannah's skirt is beautiful.
Pity about the piano lessons, I hope you find something more reasonable.
When I was in high school, one of my teachers lent me her daughter's old piano books. They were really simple yet very detailed about hand positions, and things to practice, and so on: I learned pretty quickly and well with them on my own. Maybe you could look for some used textbooks. The ones I used were Conservatory Canada ones; they go by grade: "Conservatory Canada Piano Grade One" and so on.
Piano lessons are way too expensive, and it's so discouraging. Around here, the going rate is about $15 per half hour lesson, which I still think is high. We're fortunate that my goddaughter is a talented and trained piano teacher and gives us a cut rate ($10 per half hour). Otherwise, we'd be struggling to do it. Is there anyone you know through church or work who might be willing to do something similar?
What a beauty. She must take after her mama.
If you have a homeschool message board or any kind of place you can post wanted ads, maybe you could find an older child/teen to teach them both at once.
Or maybe you could talk to someone about swapping --you do some scrapbooks for them or make them some cards or something & they teach lessons...
Can you get a wood pellet or corn stove? Ours saves us a TON. (and not just because we grow corn either)
Hope your dh feels better.
LOVE her outfit! And love the french braid, too!
Coco also had to stop her piano lessons; that's what we were paying around here, too :(
Our electricity doens't go up so much, but the gas... yup, pretty much that's what we end up paying... more so now that both Brian and I are working from home, there's not respite!
The going rate for me is "FREE". I can teach them PIANO for FREE, if we lived in the same area !. I wish I can do that for the girls & you, I am teaching Little J slowly. She can play a few songs now, I'll have to video tape her soon.
Hannah looks adorable in her Sunday outfit! I remember dressing up for church on Sundays complete with a hat and a pair of gloves.
I love Scrabble although I haven't played it in years.
I don't know the going rate for piano lessons, but $20 for a half hour sounds a bit high to me. I hope you find a more reasonable rate soon.
What a great little outfit!
How are things in your part of the city?
What a beautiful picture! As some mentioned in their coments, we barter piano lessons for art lessons with another homeschooling family. You are such a creative and crafty person! I'm sure there are many who would trade you lessons for piano!!! Good luck!
Cute photo!
Thanks for posting my minibook.
When I was a girl, lessons were $6.00/half hour. I was wondering how much they are now!
Your daughter is just adorable. God Bless!
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