
June 21, 2022

Lyme battle

I got the results back on the lab tests from last week and found out I have Lyme. One common reason for the bell's palsy is Lyme. A nearby friend who has had Lyme for 40 years suggested I try the vitamin C and salt protocol initially developed by M Fett.  One takes 3 g of vitamin C and 3 g of salt (Himalayan) 4 times a day.

Sunday, I woke to bilateral facial paralysis. I was going to share a photo of myself, but have changed my mind.  I may once I improve.  

Chiropractic appointment went well yesterday. I'm taking vitamin B to take every hour and using this laser to run along my face from my ear along the jaw to the mouth and nose and forehead, where the nerves go... She adjusted me, opening up the 7th cranial nerve to allow for normal blood flow.  I found out that I have an irregular heartbeat, too, most people have a first strong beat and a second beat, less strong, while I am having the first weak and a second be strong.  So, the chiropractor put me on standard process cardiotrophin.  Overall, I feel a little better, some jaw improvement and this morning, I was able to close my eyes without using my hands.  The wind affects my eyes, drying them and the inability to blink is really hard to deal with.  I have eye drops.  Being on doxycycline means I am not supposed to be in the sun.  
A friend picked strawberries!  I plan to make jam! 
And Snowflake who is now 9 months old became a mother.  There were 3 kittens, but only 2 made it.  They are so sweet.
There's so much information on the internet that it's hard to filter through.  Some of my first difficulties for headaches, insomnia, restless legs and swollen lymph nodes.  I'm not really sure it's due to the Lyme, but am grateful it has subsided for now. I've been blessed by a loving family and great friends who are praying and offering to help. 


Becki said...

Well, I'm reading your posts backwards, so I left a comments on your previous post that was better suited to this post. I'm glad you're getting various helps for recovering from Lyme and Bell's Palsy. And how nice to have friends pick you some strawberries. That is a sweet treat. And yes, those kitties and their momma look very sweet, too. :)

karen said...

I am sorry you are suffering and I hope you feel better soon!