Well...it's not done, yet. I wanted to change the neck, from a scoop neck to a v-neck, but am not feeling brave enough to alter the pattern. So, here's what I've got so far:

Tune in next week...hopefully, for a finished vest for my 2 month old nephew! Join in the "
yarn along!"
As for reading, I have been on a political "kick"...
I finished
Nineteen Eighty-Four and thought that it was a good book, if you think about the fact that it was written in 1949...from that perspective, it is quite interesting, and overall, I thought it was scary, for the fact that government or a dictator can have so much control over others...I was very disappointed by the ending!
I read
Anthem (written in 1938, a beautiful novella, short and with a wonderful message) and then
Atlas Shrugged (written in 1957, a long novel, too long in my opinion, but good in that it is thought provoking) by
Ayn Rand almost a year ago. Next on my list is
The Fountainhead (which she wrote in 1943).

My husband painted a patch of chalkboard paint on the wall for each of the girls...they love it. We have some egg-shaped chalk that my cousin gave us!
P.S. Just want to let you know, that we've been talking about moving to Arizona, as they apparently are the only state
not observing the Daylight Savings Time (which I really really dislike)! There is someone here in Ohio working on stopping DST. I wish we could defy it, but then, we'd be an hour late to church, dance class and karate...